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KLets FAQs

I get a license error

The license is checked and handled by the Play Store, and it is checked each time that the voice recognition is started. At the very first start, it is required an internet connection in order to allows the Play Store to perform an online check of the license. At subsequent starts, if there isn't an internet connection available, the license will be stored and will remains valid for about a week (the time depends on Google choices, and may change). After this time, you will need again an internet connection in order to allows Play Store to renew the license, performing again an online check.

If you just brought the paid version, please note that, sometime, the Play Store requires a couple of hours to enable the license (usually due problems or delays on the order). At this point, you can wait, or cancel the order within 15 minutes to repeat it (for this reason, always use the free Test version with the free week trial if you just want to check if KLets features works on your phone).

Furthermore, the license is linked to the Google account used when the acquire on the Play Store is performed and it can't be transferred (terms and conditions are explained in the Google Play Store's User License Agreements and could change), so, if you removed the account linked to the license, you need to re-add it in order to use KLets again (or other paid application acquired from the Play Store).

Instead, if you was already able to use KLets and the problem happens randomly without fixing it in short time, a possible solution would be to clear Play Store data: go to phone settings, then open “Manage Apps”→“All”, find the Play Store app, open it and from its detail screen tap on “Clear data” button. .

In any other case, you can contact me and I will contact Google support, or I will apply a refund in order to fix the problem.

I cannot use KLets without an internet connection

KLets itself doesn't require an active internet connection to perform voice commands, however, it uses Android's voice recognition features provided, in turn, by third part apps like Google Now or Vlingo, which usually perform voice recognition through internet.

Luckly, with latest Android and Google Now versions, on most devices is it possible to enable the offline voice recognition just downloading needed language packages as shown in this guide: How to enable offline voice recognition

KLets quits just after the welcome message when used over bluetooth

With the Google Search's update to the version 3.5, the voice recognition bluetooth handling causes conflicts with the KLets' advanced bluetooth audio handling.

To fix this issue you need disable the recognition bluetooth handling opening your phone settings, then going in “Language & Input”, then in “Voice Search” and than un-checking the “Bluetooth headset” option.

Bluetooth headset audio doesn't work

It could be caused by many different problems, but you can try, one at a time, the following procedures to fix it.

If none of below procedures solve the problem, then there is nothing that can be done, because the problem could be caused by Android's Text-To-Speech or Voice Recognition engines themselves, or even by the Android phone itself, the phone's hardware or the Bluetooth device, and there is nothing that I can do from KLets to fix them. In such case, if you want, you can contact me for a refund request and I will be apply to apply it.

General Bluetooth audio problems

  1. Usually Bluetooth problems are related to corrupted bluetooth device entry on Android, and them can be fixed unpairing and pairing it again. To know how to do it, please check How to re-pair a bluetooth device
  2. If re-pairing the headset didn't solve the problem, you can try to force the bluetooth audio for your device inside KLets: from KLets options, open the Bluetooth section and then open the Force audio bluetooth preference. From the list, check your device, confirm, and reboot the phone.
  3. If also forcing the audio didn't solve the problem, return to the Bluetooth section of KLets and enable the Disable bluetooth audio handling option. Again, reboot the phone and try to use KLets with your bluetooth kit.

If the problem has not been fixed using General Bluetooth audio problems fixes, and it is related to voice recording, you can try the following fixes:

  1. Ensure to use the last version of the Google's voice recognition engine:
    1. Set the Google's engine following this guide: How can I change the voice recognition engine used by KLets?
    2. Open the Play Store on the phone (don't use the PC version!!!), look for Google Search and, if there is an update for the app, update it
    3. After, revert back changes made in step 2 and 3 of the General Bluetooth audio problems list and restart the phone.
    4. If it still not work, then try to re-apply fixes from the step 2 of the General Bluetooth audio problems list.
  2. As last try, when using the Google's voice recognition engine, with latest versions and phones you can tell to it to use the bluetooth headset for recording voice. To do so, open phone settings, then go into Voice input & output or Language & input (depends on Android version) and then open the second Voice recognizer option or the Voice search option (depends on Android version). From here, check the Bluetooth headset option and then revert back changes made in step 2 and 3 of the list above. If it still not work, then try to re-apply fixes from the step 2 of the list above.

If the problem has not been fixed using General Bluetooth audio problems fixes, and it is related to the text spoken by KLets, you can try to use an alternative Text-To-Speech engine from the Play Store (or you can try to revert it back to the default provided by Android phone, if available on your phone). To change it (once installed), follow this guide: How can I change the voice used by KLets to speak?. Once changed, revert back changes made in step 2 and 3 of the General Bluetooth audio problems list and restart the phone. If it still not work, then try to re-apply fixes from the step 2 of the General Bluetooth audio problems list.

How can I change the voice recognition engine used by KLets?

KLets uses the engine set on the phone. To change it, open phone settings, then go into Voice input & output or Language & input (depends on Android version) and set the engine inside the first Voice recognizer option.

How can I change the voice used by KLets to speak?

KLets uses the voice set on the phone. To change it, open phone settings, then go into Voice input & output or Language & input (depends on Android version) and open the Text-to-speech output option. From here, select the engine to use.

How to re-pair a bluetooth device

Open phone settings, then open “Wireless & networks”, then “Bluetooth settings”, then if not already on, turn on bluetooth (checking the “Bluetooth” item), then, from the list of paired devices, long press on your bluetooth device and click on “Unpair”. After you need to pair it again using procedure described inside the bluetooth device manual.

I cannot see KLets widgets

Android doesn't show widget of application moved to the SD card. To use KLets's widgets, you need to move KLets to the internal memory.

KLets isn't started when pressing the Bluetooth device button

this problem could have many different causes and fixes. You can try to identify the cause checking the topics below until you are able to launch KLets from the Bluetooth device button.

KLets has been moved to the SD card

Some Android devices don't allow to use application moved to the SD card to be launched with the Bluetooth device button. To use KLets, you need to move KLets to the internal memory.

KLets is in the internal memory, but nothing happen on the phone when pressing the Bluetooth device button

This could be caused by a bluetooth issue, a phone firmware issue or corrupted bluetooth device info on Android.

For firmware issues, you must check if there is an update available for your phone, installing it if there is one.

For corrupted bluetooth device info, you can try to fix it unpairing and pairing again the bluetooth device. To know how to do it, please check How to re-pair a bluetooth device.

If none of previous solution fix the problem, then there is nothing that can be done, because I can't do anything from Klets to fix them. Sorry.

KLets is in the internal memory, but it is started another application when pressing the Bluetooth device button

This problem is caused by the started application, which prevents KLets (and every other application) to be selected as default application for the bluetooth button press.

Actually, this problem has been noticed with the following apps:

  • Voice Dialer: This is a system app that have a “bug” that makes itself to be used over every other application that can be started by the bluetooth device button (the bug has been reported here: It has been fixed with Android 4.1.2 update on October 2012.
  • Google Search / Google Now: This app have a “bug” that makes itself to be used over every other application, excluded Voice Dialer app, that can be started by the bluetooth device button (the bug has been reported here: It has been fixed with latest Google Search / Google Now updates on Play Store.
  • Samsung SVoice: On their firmwares, Samsung locked the application started by the bluetooth device button to their SVoice app. It is a firmware constraing, so only Samsung can fix this problem. It seems to have been fixed with latest Samsung firmwares updates.

Usually, to solve this problem, you need to disable the problematic application going into phone settings, then opening “Manage Apps”→“All”, then opening the problematic application and pressing the button “Disable”, repeating this procedure for every app causing the problem. If the application cannot be disabled, it means that it has been locked by the phone firmware, and you need to get in touch with your phone manufacturer to solve the problem.

Be warned that disabling “Google Search”, you will disable the default voice recognition engine used by Android, and you will need to install the Vlingo application in order to use their alternative voice recognition engine.

If you want to re-enable disabled apps in the future, you will find them at the bottom of installed applications.

KLets isn't kept as default application for voice commands

Some Android devices, when restarted, reset the default application assignment when an application has been moved to the SD card. To fix the problem, you need to move KLets to the internal memory.

Also, paid applications may lost the default application assignment on every phone restart due a bug in some versions of Android. To prevent this problem, you can install the free KLets Launcher Assitant (it starts KLets in recognition mode when launched), assigning it as default application in place of KLets itself.

Start KLets with wired headsets

KLets doesn't directly support to be started with wired headset, but can be configured to work with third-part applications that allows to customize wired headset button actions. To be able to start KLets with wired headset:

  1. Install an application that allows to customize wired headset button actions from the Play Store, for example JAYS Headset.
  2. Configure one of the available actions in order to launch KLets.
    Regarding JAYS Headset, once started, enable the “Advanced” mode, then tap on “Button Actions”, then tap on the headset icon in the right of an action of your choice, select “Launch app” as action type and then, from the applicatio list, select “KLets”.
  3. Configure KLets in order to start itself in listening mode: from KLets options, open the General section and then enable the “Automatic start on opening” option.

Now KLets will be launched in listening mode simply executing the chosen action with the wired headset button.

Know problems

  • Voice recognition technology has problems recognizing words in a language different from the configured one, fantasy words or abbreviated words. So are expected problems for contact with foreign, abbreviated or fantasy names or when play songs with a foreign title. However, for contacts, the nickname field can be use as alternative contact name.
  • The speech recognition technology is sensitive to background noise when you dictate the action. Always try to speak loudly and clearly as possible limiting the external noise.
faq.txt · Last modified: 2014/08/28 07:32 by lukakama